Appendix A — Release Notes

Build - All plugins

New Features

  • VST3 automation state on UI


  • EVO EQ - Dark mode update


  • All plugins - VST3 - GUI freeze when reloading a session in Studio One
  • All plugins - VST3 - Wrong parameters frequencies when reloading session at 44.1KHz
  • All plugins - crash when loading a StudioOne session
  • All plugins AAX - Crash protools when using the protools plugin preset manager on Windows
  • EVO Channel/Touch and BS Pro - Presets have to be loaded twice to apply the filter values from the Touch section properly
  • Elixir - Latency not properly compensated after changing stage parameters value in VST and AudioUnit
  • Elixir - VST - May crash or bypass the audio when reloading a previous session in Nuendo
  • Evo Channel - GUI issues on Geek panel
  • Evo Channel/Evo EQ - Bad init on the lowpass filter cut off frequency
  • HEar - Failed to load HRTF message in Logic until audio playback
  • Verb and VerbSession - VST3 - Freeze during Steinberg TestHost on Windows

Known Issues


  • All plugins - AU - Crash in Logic 10.5 on Macos Mojave
  • All plugins - AU - Sidechain not available
  • All plugins - VST versions - GUI issue in Izotope Ozone and Davinci Resolve
  • Elixir - VST3 - Elixir is not available as 32 channels (24 max) in Reaper
  • HEar - AU - Crashes Ableton
  • HEar - Do not work properly with Ambisonic streams
  • Trax - Ran out of CPU error and playback issue in Protools
  • Verb - AAX - Moving any temporal parameter mute audio and generate noisy artefacts
  • Verb - HOA 3rd order not working properly

Host Specific

  • All plugins - VST2 - GUI cropped in TwistedWave
  • All plugins - VST3 - Do not process the audio in TwistedWave
  • EVO EQ - AAX-DSP - Not listed in DSP plugins list
  • EVO Series - AAX DSP - No metering
  • Evo Channel/Evo EQ - AudioUnit - LPF cut off frequency badly initialized when samplerate is 2FS or more
  • StereoTool - AAX DSP - No metering

Build - All plugins


  • All plugins - Preset manager filter options updated
  • All plugins - Preset recall button improved
  • All plugins - Preset save button improved


  • AAX - Preset manager - Default preset is not applied to parameters at plugin instantiation
  • All plugins - AAX bad GUI recall with user scale x2 and display scale x2
  • All plugins - AU - auval real time safety checks
  • All plugins - All parameters are reset when reloading a session when using presets
  • All plugins - GUI issue on Windows
  • All plugins - GUI issue with Retina in FLStudio
  • All plugins - Mouse wheel not working anymore on knobs
  • All plugins - Parameters are reset when deactivating/reactivating the plugin in Protools
  • All plugins - Parameters are reset when loading a session if a preset is used
  • All plugins - Preset manager font issues
  • All plugins - VST3 - Keys not working in Pyramix
  • All plugins - VST3 - Meters not working in Adobe premiere Pro, Adobe audition, Isotope RX10 and Waves Studio Rack
  • All plugins - VST3 - preset name back reset to default when loading a session
  • All plugins - VST3 - Can’t edit values using keyboard on Windows
  • All plugins - mouse wheel + shift key increase controls value when scroll down
  • All plugins - AAX - Crash protools when using the protools plugin preset manager on Windows
  • All plugins - VST3 - crash plugin scan when OSC enabled in prefs
  • EVO Channel - Dark mode display issue when closing/opening the plugin
  • EVO Channel - custom preset does not load some parameters
  • EVO In - Phase shift amount automation line display issue in Logic
  • EVO Series - Display issues on some parameters values
  • EVO Series - Missing controls text
  • EVO Series - Save button from preset manager not working
  • EVO Series - save/recall/copy A & B preset buttons from main window not working
  • EVO Series - wrong RMS reference value initialisation
  • Elixir 1-Stage - GUI broken
  • EvoEq - very low noise generated when offline rendering (32bit FP)
  • HEar - AudioUnit - Crashes validation in Logic
  • Preset Manager - Refresh missing - Preset name still displayed as current preset after being deleted.
  • Solera - VST3 on Windows - DExp tab selected as default
  • StereoTool - Correlation phase meter is wrong when quality setting set at 60fps
  • StudioSession Plugins - May fail to scan in logic
  • StudioSession Plugins - loads without the limitations
  • Trax - VST3 - Learn feature not working
  • VST3 - Some plugins are blacklisted in Cubase 13 on Windows
  • VST3 - Conformity report
  • VST3 - Display quality (15/30/60Hz) always reverts to initialized value
  • VST3 - Verb & VerbSession - Crash in VST3 test host unit test
  • VST3 - presets slots values are not correctly recalled when a session is saved after using morphing
  • Verb - AAX - Matrix not reloaded on atmos 9.1.4 tracks
  • Verb - Does not load the saved multichannel layout
  • Verb - Multichannel layout not automatically set in Logic
  • Verb - When in High Density, the dry signal is output
  • Verb Session - AAX - GUI issue in HiDPI on Windows

Known Issues


  • All plugins - AU - Crash in Logic 10.5 on Macos Mojave
  • All plugins - VST2 - GUI cropped in TwistedWave
  • All plugins - VST3 - Do not process the audio in TwistedWave
  • All plugins VST versions- GUI issue in Izotope Ozone and Davinci Resolve
  • Elixir - Latency not properly compensated after changing stage parameters value in VST and AudioUnit
  • Elixir - Reaper - VST3 - Elixir is not available as 32 channels (24 max)
  • Evo Channel/Evo EQ - All formats -Bad init on the lowpass filter cut off frequency
  • HEar - AU - Crashes Ableton
  • HEar - Do not work properly with Ambisonic streams
  • HEar - Failed to load HRTF message in Logic until audio playback
  • Trax - Ran out of CPU error and playback issue in Protools
  • Verb - AAX - Moving any temporal parameter mute audio and generate noisy artefacts
  • Verb - HOA 3rd order not working properly

Build 23.07.50310 - All plugins

New features

  • Support Pro Tools new track formats

Bugs fixes

  • All plugins - Nuendo - VST3 - crash when stereo plugins are instantiated on multichannel tracks (StereoTools, …)
  • All plugins - Pace protected plugins fail to scan on Da Vinci Resolve mac
  • All plugins - Popups wrong metrics when changing screen
  • All plugins - Presets not imported
  • All plugins - VST3 - Nuendo - WIN (UHD360) - Wrong window size init
  • All plugins - VST3 - WIN (UHD630) - REAPER - GUI refresh issue when in single window mode
  • All plugins - GUI issue with AMD graphics on windows - flickering issue
  • All plugins - AU - Plugins parameters are reset when bouncing in Reaper
  • All plugins - VST2 - no multichannel with the plugins 23.X in Reaper
  • All plugins - VST - Resizing the GUI does not update the floating window size in Nuendo on Windows with UHD630 graphics
  • Bittersweet - VST3 - crashes on Pyramix on instantiation
  • StereoTool / EVO Channel - VST3 - No goniometer / analyzer in Wavelab
  • Elixir - Not available as 32 channels in Reaper
  • EVO series - AAX - Dark Mode wrong GUI init
  • EVO series - remove unused and duplicated presets
  • EVO Channel - VST3 - spectrum smoothing slider crashes Studio one
  • EVO Channel / EVO Eq - VST3 - Analyzer not working in Ableton Live
  • EVO Channel / EVO Eq - scale eq control always reload on auto mode
  • EVO Eq - weird release on meter
  • EVO In - GUI refresh issue when toggling night/day mode
  • EVO Touch - Zero Crossing Threshold label missing in the geek panel
  • EVO Touch - frequency band selector does not always recall the good settings on session reload
  • EVO Touch/ EVO Channel - Frequency range slider is hard to handle
  • Pure Serie - VST3 - Attack value max 80ms
  • Pure Comp - Crash when loading “Bass guitar” preset
  • Pure Limiter - VST3 - advanced mode does not turn on advanced settings
  • StereoTool - VST3 - vector scope not working in Ableton Live on Windows
  • StereoTool - Not working in Final Cut Pro
  • TRAX - Crash using oversampling with sessions set at 2FS or higher
  • TRAX Tr - not usable in Protools anymore (build 50123)

Known issues

  • All plugins - VST - GUI issue in Izotope Ozone and RX
  • All plugins - AAX - Preset manager - Default preset is not applied to parameters at plugin instantiation
  • Elixir - Latency not properly compensated after changing stage parameters value in VST and AudioUnit
  • TRAX tr - Learn function returning wrong values
  • VerbV3 - HOA 3rd order not working properly

Build - All plugins

New features

  • New plugins Evo Compressor, Evo Touch and Evo EQ.
  • VST3 support
  • ARM support for AAX, AU and VST3
  • Plugins are now resizable
  • Elixir now supports 32 channels
  • Alchemist, BitterSweet, Epure, Pure Compressor, Pure DCompressor, Pure Expander, Pure DExpander, PureLimiter, Solera, Syrah now support 16 channels

Bugs fixes

  • All plugins - Preset Manager - Update user preset do not work

  • All plugins - Preset manager - Crash or freeze when saving a preset

  • All plugins - UI may be black on Intel UHD 630 graphical cards

  • All plugins - AU/VST3 - Preset manager - Default preset is not applied to parameters at plugin instantiation

  • All plugins - AAX - Crash with OSC when changing fx slot in Pro Tools

  • All plugins - AU - Logic Pro - Automation of boolean/integer parameters broken

  • All plugins - AU - Plugins crash in Da Vinci Resolve

  • All plugins - DaVinci Resolve - VST - UI is truncated

  • All plugins - Streamlabs - Plugins do not work

  • All plugins - Licensing issue in DaVinci Resolve and GarageBand

  • Alchemist - The range parameter works only for the 1st band

  • BitterSweet - Not possible to tweak the Output gain after unlinking it

  • BitterSweet - Output gain not reloaded properly when the link is disabled

  • BSPro - some modes are not accessible due to GUI issue

  • Epure - macOS - Bad graphic scale initialization at 2&4FS

  • Evo Channel - Meter reference is not saved

  • Syrah - Crash when selecting preset “Static fast compression”

  • TRAX Tr - When the link is activated, the Formant slider does not have the expected audio effect

  • TRAX Tr - ProTools - Issue in AudioStudio when the modulation is enabled

  • VerbSession/VerbSession Studio Session and BSPro StudioSession - Pyramix - VST crash when instantiated

  • Verb/Verb Studio Session - Crash when reloading session having 2 instances

Known issues

  • All plugins - VST - GUI issue in Izotope Ozone and RX
  • All plugins - AAX - Preset manager - Default preset is not applied to parameters at plugin instantiation
  • Elixir - Latency not properly compensated after changing stage parameters value in VST and AudioUnit
  • TRAX tr - Learn function returning wrong values
  • VerbV3 - HOA 3rd order not working properly

Build - All plugins except TRAX and StudioSession

Bug fixes

  • All plugins AudioUnit - GUI issue with Hdpi displays on macOS Monterey

  • All plugins VST - Plugin scan freeze in Wavelab 11 on Mac M1 machines

  • All plugins VST - Crash in Adobe Audition on macOS

  • All plugins VST macOS - Fix crashes with Ableton live

  • Elixir - Automation is not read for toggle parameters.

  • Elixir - Crash when clicking on the settings button on Session version

  • Elixir - Several fixes on the UI

  • Elixir - Windows AAX - Refresh issue with two instances in ProTools

  • HEar - Bypass is working in AAX

  • HEar AAX - Crash when doing offline bounce on macOS

  • HEar AAX - Crash when editing the matrix on macOS

  • HEar AAX - Stereo - Change on Matrix are not applied until we change the preset

  • HEar AudioUnit - Ableton crashes when inserting a second instance

Build (HEar, IRCAM Verb)



  • HEar - 5.1.4 & 5.0.4 now available

Bug fixes

  • HEar - Fix meters refresh issue
  • HEar - No verb on some presets
  • HEar - Protools crashes when doing offline bounce on macOS

FLUX:: Immersive - Plugins (including IRCAM Tools) 21.09

This release includes updates for all FLUX::Immersive plugin processing products with the exception of EVO Channel, Epure, IRCAM Trax, Studio Session.


Major optimizations

  • Apple computers Big Sur (new M1 chips) AU validation
  • Important updates to the Ircam Verb + Session
  • Overall better handling of multichannel track setups such for Atmos. (Ircam Hear, Verb and more)
  • Automatic detection of track format / channel order for DAWs when possible.


Bug fixes

  • Apple computers Big Sur (new M1 chips) AU validation failing
  • Empty GUI when close/reopen plugin - Windows 10 - UHD630 graphics
  • AudioUnit in Reaper - do not process audio when offline bounce
  • Default preset not loaded correctly on instantiation of Verb + Verb Session
  • Evo.Channel on Retina - Input and Output Sliders badly scaled
  • Incompatible AudioUnit issue in Apple Final Cut Pro
  • Plugins: Recall Preset Flags (e.g. “All but setup”) recall always everything
  • Preset Manager - UI issue with small plugins when a preset has been created
  • Ircam Verb Session reload in VST with audio interruption
  • VST Plugins Session not correctly reloaded if it integrate an IO configuration change
  • Verb session - Dry/wet not applied in offline render
  • Verb v3 Atmos crash on AAX
  • Verb: AU validation failed on Apple M1
  • Verb: LFE not disabled by default on ProTools
  • Verb: Recall Preset may be not correct with double click inside the preset manager
  • Verb: disabled channel is not re-injected according to dry/wet parameter (100 % wet means muted)
  • Verb: init issue with Nuendo
  • AAX - Some plugins - Crash on Mac / No GUI on Windows
  • Overall reliability / stability fixes.
  • Plugin size not correct
  • Potential plugins crash when opening UI

FLUX:: Immersive - Plugins (including IRCAM Tools) 20.12

This major release includes updates for all FLUX::Immersive products with the exception of IRCAM Spat V3 legacy product. Please refer to Spat V3 - Spat Revolution crossgrade options.

Major optimizations

  • HiDPI / Retina support + display enhancements and fixes
  • Page Table unification for Avid Control, S1, S3, S4, S6 and S6L.
  • OSC Control for plugins.
  • IRCAM Verb support for Dolby Atmos, Multichannel support up to 16 channels
  • IRCAM Hear - Multichannel stability improvement, Now up to 10 channels. (Dolby Atmos 7.1.2)
  • IRCAM Tools - Audio I/O Matrix and Multichannel enhancement
  • Most plugins support of 8 channel.
  • 16 channel support for Bittersweet Pro, Evo In and Evo Channel


Bug fixes


  • BSPro - Latency report issue (AAX)
  • IRCAM TRAX Tr - Latency report issue
  • IRCAM Verb - Wrong initialization value for Reverb density
  • IRCAM Verb -Dry signal still goes out in disabled channels when wet is 100%
  • All Pure Dynamics PI + Alchemist - Wrong Thresholds initialization values
  • AAX “monolithic” are broken like Hear, TRAX etc…
  • Almost all AAX plugins don’t reload parameters from 47856 version session.
  • Pure Limiter - Diff feature bypassed the input gain.
  • Pure Limiter - Inverted sidechain filters.
  • Any plugin except Evo Channel - Research Presets resets when click on a preset.
  • Evo channel - Wrong values when reloading touch section.


  • Current preset name disappear on re-opening GUI or session

Known Issues

  • Wavelab “Sample rate not supported” when a plugin is inserted on a clip, track or output section.
  • TRAX Tr - Learn frequencies display wrong values (AAX only).
  • Hear - Internal config labels change when modify LFE input config from routing matrix.
  • When using OSC on a plugin in Pro Tools, a chrash will occur if you change/move FX insert slots