Time Structure Display

(7) High density

Toggles between standard and high density reverberation engine.
High density gives better quality at the expense of a little more CPU consumption, by increasing the size of the feedback network used to compute the reverberation.

Please note that this affects not only the sound quality of the reverberation, but can also change its character and tonal qualities somewhat, especially at certain settings, so, as always, you should let your ears be the judge as to which is best for a particular situation.

(8) Early On / Solo

These buttons are part of a mini-mixer console for the reverberation engine where each channel is fed by one of the reverberation sections.
Here these standard mute and solos controls belong to the early reflection section channel.
They allow you to isolate it or temporarily suppress a section of the reverberation so you can exactly evaluate the influence that this specific section has on the overall reverberation sound, for example when fine-tuning is required.

(9) Cluster On / Solo

Same as above, acting on the cluster section of the reverberation engine.

(10) Reverb On / Solo

Same as above, acting on the reverberation tail section of the reverberation engine.

(11) Direct signal

The grey bar at the start of the reverberation pictogram represents the direct sound send at the input of the plug-in. In the time structure of the reverberation, it is the first element that is heard.

(12) Early

Overall representation of the early reflections distribution.
Vertical bars roughly indicate at what time locations (horizontally) and levels (bar height) these early reflections occur.

(13) Cluster

See 12.

(14) Reverb

Shows a graphical representation of the reverberation tail part of the engine. The decay curves of the high, mid and low bands, which are controlled by the decay time settings, are superimposed in different colors and can rapidly be assessed and checked.
Also see 12.

(15) Room size

This parameter is a meta parameter that allow you to quickly perform an homogeneous set of parameters for the early reflexions part (early + cluster). Theses part are particularly important to achieve the “room” feeling of the desired space.
It adjust the time structure of the whole reverberation (early-min, early-max, cluster-min, cluster-max, reverb-start). This is a key control for quick settings, before a detailed fine tune with each parameters.

(16) Reverb Start

The time at which the latest part (diffuse part) of the reverberation section starts to be heard, in milliseconds. This is the delay between the dry signal and the beginning of the late reverberated signal. Please note that this setting does not affect the time characteristics of the early and cluster sections. It is however not possible to move the reverberation start time before the first early reflections.

(17) Reverb Distr.

Reverberation tail distribution controls the way in which reverberation tail ‘spikes’ are scattered in time.