Studio Session Analyser


FLUX:: Immersive


June 2, 2025

Studio Session Analyser


Thank you for purchasing the Studio Session Plugins (bundle) which includes the Studio Session Analyser

The Studio Session Analyser is a light version of our renowned FLUX:: Real Time Analyzer System

The Session Analyser is installed as a single application. It has the same basic functioning as with the standard FLUX:: Analyser with the following limitations;

  • Inputs & Outputs : Mono / Stereo
  • I/O Configuration: SampleGrabber Plug-in Only (no hardware I/O)
  • Max 96kHz sample rate. 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96
  • No Support for any add-on options

Please note that the Studio Session Pack license is a bundle license and the Studio Session Analyzer can only be used on the same computer as the rest of the plug-ins in the bundle are used.

User documentation

Please refer to the FLUX:: Real Time Analyzer System user documentation.