Preset Management
From the Plug-in interface
A-B Sections
A plug-in features two preset sections : A & B. Clicking on the slot of a specific section reaches the shared preset bank. From the preset management window you can select the preset you want to recall in the specific preset section.
Save replaces the selected preset by a new one under the same name featuring the current settings. If you want to keep an existing preset without your new modifications, just select an empty place into the preset list, enter a new name for this modified preset featuring the current settings and press Save.
Once a preset is selected from the preset list it must be explicitly loaded into the section A or the section B by using the recall button. A preset is effective only after it has been recalled.
Double-clicking on the preset name from the list, reloads the preset into the selected slot.
AB Slider
This horizontal slider has no unity nor specific value display. It allows to morph current settings between two loaded presets. A double-click on one side of the slider area toggles between full A and full B settings. The results of an in between setting can be save as a new preset.
From the Preset Management Window
The Preset Management Window features three preset banks:
- The Factory bank gathers presets that can’t be edited by users.
- The User bank is dedicated to the users presets.
- The Global bank features presets for A, B and morphing sections. A single global preset includes A and B section content and the morphing slider position.
A Preset can directly be recalled into the preset section selected by the morphing slider position, by double-clicking on its name on the list. The preset lists can be filtered. This filter is applied to any preset information such as name, description, author, comments or key words.
Recall A
recalls the selected preset into the corresponding section.
Recall B
recalls the selected preset into the corresponding section.
Copy A and Copy B
buttons allow to easily create a variation around a preset.
allows to save the current settings for the selected preset.
creates a new preset in the list.
creates a new preset in the list from the selected one.
gives access to the specific windows which allows to change preset name, description, key words…..
suppresses the selected preset.
creates a file reflecting the content of the preset bank.
adds existing presets into the preset bank.
Ordering arrows
orders the presets into the list.
The preset protection if engaged, allows only its original modification author to uncheck and edit. So you can protect your presets in a multi-user configuration. Protected presets can only be modified using the session of their creator. If used in another user session they can only be imported or deleted.