
(19) Distance

Distance from the source to the center reference point (listener position), in meters.

(20) Azimuth

Angle between the source location and the listener-front reference axis, in degrees.

(21) Yaw

Angle of the source direction orientation relative to the listener-source axis, in degrees.

(22) Relative direction

When engaged, the source movement done with the mouse in the display are done in a way that the source always keep the same source-listener orientation.
If not, the source direction is constant.

(23) Elevation

Elevation angle, in degrees.


Please note that when the source is not located onto the base horizontal plane, at listener ear level (z = 0), a small gauge is displayed on the right edge of the preview, which gives the distance of the source to listener projected onto the Z axis, for easier handling of elevation.

(24) Pitch

Source direction orientation pitch angle, in degrees.


Please pay attention to the fact that the graphic preview cannot not display pitch movements because of the 2D projection constraints.

(25) Aperture

The aperture parameter relates to the “sound cone” projected by the virtual source in the acoustic space, and is measured in degrees. It determines wether the source will be very directive (small aperture), or omnidirectional (large aperture) inside the reverberant environment. You can use this parameter to simulate the how a source will interact with its acoustical environment.

Each source has a set of two three-band equalizers associated with it, as described below.