Files and folders

Files types

MiRA:: uses two different types of files:

  • .json
  • .fcap

The .json files are the main files of MiRA::: workspace are saved in this file type.

To save a workspace, click on the “Save workspace” action on the “File” menu, or use the shortcut Ctrl + S on Windows, or Cmd + S on Mac.

.fcap represents an export of a session, available in the system analysis part of MiRA.


The preferences of MiRA:: are located on the following folder:

  • ~/Library/Application Support/FLUX/MiRA on macOS
  • C:\User\/...\AppData\Local\FLUX\MiRA on Windows.

In it will be located three folders:

The “Captures” folder contains all your captures’ files, made from the system analysis part of MiRA::.

The “Preferences” folder, contains 3 files: - current_state.json contains the latest workspace you are working on - users.json contains your saved software preferences - UI.xml saves your user interface preferences

A subfolder named Shell contains:

  • history.txt - a history of the terminal commands