Info Header Bar
The Info Header Bar, which can be found in most factory layouts, provides quick access to various menus and settings. It is divided into three parts. On the left, the Audio Source Toolbar allows you to change the input source from hardware to a detected SampleGrabber instance on the network and displays the current input configuration. In the middle, the Quick Access Toolbar has three buttons: the cogwheel for main settings, the UI button for user interface settings, and the IO button for input/output settings. To the right, the Layout and Samplerate section includes a drop-down menu for selecting a workspace layout and displaying the current sample rate. Also note that the Info Header Bar does not appear by default in new layouts, but must be manually added to the user interface.
Audio source toolbar
On the foremost left side, we can find:
- A drop-down menu to switch between hardware and detected sample push instances on the network.
- A display of the current input config.
Quick access toolbar
In the center, there are three buttons:
- The cog, which is the main settings menu.
- The UI button, which opens the user interface settings menu.
- The IO button, which opens the input/output settings menu.
Layout and sample rate
Last, we find, at the foremost right:
- A drop-down menu to select a layout of the workspace
- The sample rate display.
The info bar header is not present by default inside a new layout. You should manually add it as part of your user interface.