3D View - Add independent scaling for sources and speakers
3D View - Add option to display only virtual or real speaker
Core - Refresh audio device when displaying the audio device list
Core - Refresh network list when displaying the ip address list
If a crash occurs when loading a session during the opening of SPAT Revolution, propose to open it without loading the session
If the preferences file is corrupted, open SPAT with default preferences.
OSC - Add OSC message to arm/unarm objects, to begin and stop the record
OSC - Add message for page navigation
OSC - Add message to load and save session
VST3 - Support up to 64 channels for SPAT Send, Room and Return
“Create New Session” and “New Empty Session” should create a new json file for the session
3D View - Background should be visible when loading a file
Core - Crash with specific session at low block size
Core - Issue when a HOA 3D is connected to a HOA 2D : the channels are not automatically connected
Core - Jump when moving multi-selection with mono sources with scaling
Core - Session crash when processing audio
Core - Snapshot recall does not send touch/release messages
Core - When a group is folded, the audio of the subsources is not refreshed when moving the listener’s head yaw.
Group - Adding a group to one of his grandchildren should not be allowed / lead to a crash
Group - Fold status is not saved and reloaded with the session
Group - Groups should be visible when some children are not muted
Group - Impossible to add or delete several sources to/from a group via the source list
Menu - Text is the same color than background when using the light mode
OSC - Crash when receiving “/source/-1/select”
OSC - Next and previous snapshot name should be sent on session opening, even if empty
OSC - Port change is not taken into account if the difference is less than 10
OSC - Position is not scaled according to the distance scaling is sent without position packing
OSC - Receiving an OSC message which updates name of a room does not update the name on the top bar
OSC - Snapshot options messages do not update the grid; need to move the mouse over it to update it.
Preferences - Display issue for field Edit Frame Rate
SPAT Send - Record automation from snapshot is not possible
SPAT plugins - When reading position in automation touch mode, there is an automation reentrancy behavior, which overrides the proper automation with a smoothed one
Save the license agreement as PDF does not work
Send - OSC - Source position XYZ automation is not written
Send - Pro Tools - Crash when desinstantiating or moving send plugin
Setup - Issue with speaker category and master transcoder
Setup - Preferred number of cores is not accurate with M2 and M3 processors
Setup - Transcoder should not allow not existing transcode (example: from Channel-Based to Transaural)
Setup page - “Disconnect between selected” action does not work if the target is selected before the source (output before master for example)
Setup page - Connecting A-Format to room does not select automatically the Cube speaker arrangement
Snapshot - Closing a session does not reinitialize global recall parameters
Snapshot - Propagate should take into account the scaling for the position
Snapshot - Quickly recalling snapshots with room scope freeze SPAT Revolution with a particular session
Speaker arrangement - When an unknown speaker arrangement is loaded with a session, the speaker arrangement is overriden if the block speaker arrangement is changed
Speaker arrangement - Wrong arrangement for Logic pro 7.1.4 - 2 channels are inverted
Speaker config - Ease import should take into account length unit
UI - HOA decoder crossover is not centered
UI - Refresh UI can freeze on MacBook Pro, on batteries, using session with high number of sources (like 256)
UI - Source panel is not updated when selecting sources from the 3D view and number of items does not change
UI - When opening a session on the home page, the recent session is not updated
UI - Wrong default window size initialization
Known Issues
Most Important
App - Bad GUI initialization on Windows with intel graphics chipsets
App - Core Audio headphones and loudspeakers cannot be used without an aggregate
PI - AAX - Renaming the send track in Pro Tools cuts the audio if verb switches are not the default one.
S6L integration - SPAT Send track name is not retained properly and sent every time the UI opens (erasing your SPAT Source name).
SPAT Send - Renaming an instance cut the audio in Pro Tools, Windows10. Have to re-enable the LAP to fix
App - A process still running after quitting SPAT Revolution when ASIO4ALL is used as audio driver on Windows
Display issues when OS display scaling is under the default resolution
On reverb preset density change, sound is cut
SPAT Plugins - Crash on reloading mixer with Pyramix versions earlier than 14 & Ovation versions earlier than 10
SPAT Plugins - Tail reverb is not reported to the plugins in LAP when IO devices are “None” in SPAT Revolution
SPAT plugins - The second OSC output status is not retained in AAX / AAX VENUE after a reboot or an AAX host rack reset